How can you tell if someone is smarter than they look?

 It's important to recognize that intelligence can take many different forms, and it's not always immediately apparent based on someone's appearance or behavior. However, here are some signs that someone may be smarter than they initially appear:

L in Death Note

Good problem-solving skills: Someone who is able to analyze complex situations and find creative solutions may have a high level of intelligence.

  Strong memory: Someone who can recall details and information from a variety of sources may have a sharp mind.

Interests: A curious mind often leads to a diverse range of interests, and someone who is knowledgeable in a variety of topics may be smarter than they appear.

It's critical to remember that intelligence can manifest itself in a variety of ways and that these are merely broad markers. Also, it's crucial to refrain from inferring something about someone's IQ from their appearance or behavior alone.


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